Black Lives Matter & humanity’s current lessons

Black Lives Matter & humanity's current lessons

Know the Secrets of Advanced Cosmic Ordering

Did you ever think it would be possible that with advanced cosmic ordering, you can just claim from universe what is due to you? Love, energy, wealth, and anything you have long wanted to have in life will be yours only if you ask for it. This is how cosmic ordering works.

Take Control of Your Life – Learn Quickly

Learning quickly means that you are able to take control of your own life and change your conditions. You are the sole creator of all your life conditions, whether these are good or bad, so basically you provide your own reality and destiny. In order to accomplish the good and fulfill you desires, you have to already believe, speak and think as though these have desire have already been accomplished.

Directing Your Thoughts to Power Prosperity

Thought is a Powerful Energy and the conscious endeavour to direct your thought to Prosperity is one of the most fulfilling aspirations you can have. Discovering how to control your thought towards your Prosperity roots, regardless of your current circumstances and conditions will afford you to rise above the present and into the realms of your Personal Prosperity Power to Create the Life You Deserve, driven in harmony from deep within you.

Did You Use a Law to Create That Big Body?

I was absolutely fascinated when I learned in my early 40s that in this life, there are laws governing our universe and they work whether I knew about them or was clueless about their existence. I also discovered that it really helps a lot to know about them. It eliminates a lot of head scratching, kvetching, and bellyaching about things you think you have no control over when you do; oh, boy, do you.

How Searching the Internet is Like Using Law of Attraction – 5 Points to Ponder

In my seminars and TeleClasses, I’ve been using the metaphor of using Search Engines on the Internet and how that related to Law of Attraction. Someone on the call wrote down some of the points I made — and I loved them. This is to help you to remember the simplicity of Law of Attraction and ideally, some helpful tips to help use Law of Attraction with deliberate success.

Can You Get a Print-Out of Your Vibrations?

Getting blood work done? Well, you’ll get a report showing your ‘blood results.’ It’s a report that lets you know the condition of your blood. Ideally, all will be perfect, and no action is necessary.

Practical Manifesting Tools – Secrets of Manifesting With Mantras

Do you know this very easy way to speed up your manifesting results using the ancient secrets of mantra meditation? Read on and I’ll share with you a simple process you can use to get better results today.

Does the Law of Attraction Exist?

Perhaps you are among the thousands who have probably watched the video ‘The Secret,’ you may have been amazed enough to read about how to use the Law of Attraction in order of attracting prosperity into your life. Trying to recall and work out it’s vital message, you may have even tried to apply the Law of Attraction in your life with the idea of manifesting abundance, then what, are you still locked in the cycle just the same as before you watched the video, still struggling on the greasy pole of sleep, eat, work with very little to show for it?

Practical Manifesting Tools – A Simple Technique For Tapping Into Your Manifesting Mindset

Fed up listening to people talk about all the wild experiences they’ve had while meditating? Ever wondered if they were secretly on recreational substances? Well wonder no more, this short article will show you a thoroughly road tested meditation technique for dialing into your manifesting mindset with ease and grace.

Practical Manifesting Tools – Secrets of Lifestyle Design For Better Manifesting

Don’t be a lazy slug or worker drone like the rest of them – use this simple life design system to create a fantastic life for yourself. Read on and I’ll show you an easy way to set your manifesting projects up for maximum happiness and fun!

Practical Manifesting Tools – Secrets of Time Travel For Quicker Manifesting

Did you know you can ‘test drive’ the future and see how your manifestation project is going to turn out? Read on and I’ll show you a very cool mental process for improving your manifesting success dramatically before you’ve even begun!

Marketing Yourself With Attraction Marketing – The Easy & Free Way Using the Laws of Attraction

You may have heard the term “Attraction Marketing” or “The Laws Of Attraction”. How can you use effective attraction marketing for yourself? It’s really easy with simply updating a couple things you most likely already have on the internet!

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